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크게 작게 위로 아래로 댓글로 가기 인쇄 수정 삭제
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Liver Regeneration
George K. Michalopoulos * and Marie C. DeFrances

Liver regeneration after the loss of hepatic tissue is a fundamental parameter of liver response to injury. Recognized as a phenomenon from mythological times, it is now defined as an orchestrated response induced by specific external stimuli and involving sequential changes in gene expression, growth factor production, and morphologic structure. Many growth factors and cytokines, most notably hepatocyte growth factor, epidermal growth factor, transforming growth factor-, interleukin-6, tumor necrosis factor-, insulin, and norepinephrine, appear to play important roles in this process. This review attempts to integrate the findings of the last three decades and looks toward clues as to the nature of the causes that trigger this fascinating organ and cellular response.
Liver regeneration, having presumably evolved to protect animals in the wild from the catastrophic results of liver loss caused by food toxins, has been an object of curiosity for many years. The ancient Greeks recognized liver regeneration in the myth of Prometheus. Having stolen the secret of fire from the gods of Olympus, Prometheus was condemned to having a portion of his liver eaten daily by an eagle. His liver regenerated overnight, thus providing the eagle with eternal food and Prometheus with eternal torture. In modern times, the best experimental model for the study of liver regeneration is that introduced by Higgins and Anderson (1): a simple operation (partial hepatectomy, PHx) in which two-thirds of the liver of a rat is removed. Specific liver lobes are removed intact, without damage to the lobes left behind. The residual lobes enlarge to make up for the mass of the removed lobes, though the resected lobes never grow back. The whole process lasts 5 to 7 days. Partial hepatectomy is the most often used stimulus to study liver regeneration because, compared with other methods that use hepatic toxins (such as CCl4), it is not associated with tissue injury and inflammation, and the initiation of the regenerative stimulus is precisely defined (removal of liver lobes).
Studies with hepatic resections in larger animals (dogs and primates) and humans have established that the regenerative response is proportional to the amount of liver removed. Even small resections (<10%) are followed by eventual restoration of the liver to full size. When liver from large dogs is transplanted into small dogs, liver size gradually decreases until the size of the organ becomes proportional to the new body size (2). Conversely, in two recent cases of baboon liver transplanted to humans, the transplanted intact liver of the baboon rapidly grew in size (within a week) until it reached the size of human liver (3). These studies demonstrate that liver mass is precisely regulated and that signals from the body can have negative as well as positive effects on liver mass until the correct size is reached

The authors are in the Department of Pathology, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA 15261, USA.
Full text를 보시기 원하시면 Science 1997. April 4;276: 60-66쪽을 참고하시면 간의 재생에 대하여
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