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크게 작게 위로 아래로 댓글로 가기 인쇄

Dear Newstart,

In 1983 Dr. Sang Lee came to Gem State Adventist Academy giving health lectures for camp meeting. I listened to Dr. Sang Lee and was convinced that I could get well from Multiple Sclerosis. I did everything Dr. Sang Lee talked about especially deepening my relationship with God. I believed Dr. Lee when He talked about my genes could change back to the original, so I did everything to build up my immune system.I found I also had to change my way of thinking especially about God and who He is. I was healed from this dreaded disease.  I am now writing a book to tell of my healing. I would like to contact Dr. Sang Lee and tell him about my story. I would also like him to read my book when I am finished and endorse what I have written if he is comfortable with this request. In some parts of the book I tell stories of Dr. Lee's experiences of healing at Weimar. I was healed by the grace of God. I was diagnosed when I was 24 years old and I an now 62 years old with out any symptoms for 25 years or more. I did learn much through the process and want to help others so I am a life and Relationship Coach. I want to help others on a bigger scale so I'm writing a book to tell of my experience to encourage and lead others. Please pass this email to Dr. Lee.  I would love to contact him and even talk to him if he has time. I  live in Caldwell, Idaho and live disease free.

My Phone Number:


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    이상구 2019.08.09 23:52
    Hi, Cindy!, Praise the Lord!
    So nice to hear from you!
    I'll send email to you soon.
  • ?
    Burt 2019.10.24 03:55
    Cindy, you have nice website. It is good to see an alumnus remembering and expressing positive changes experienced. These are inspirational and hope we see more folks like Cindy on this site.

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